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;;; zero.el --- Zero Chinese input method framework -*- lexical-binding: t -*-

;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;; limitations under the License.

;; Version: 1.2.6
;; URL:
;; Package-Version: 1.2.6
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3") (s "1.2.0"))

;;; Commentary:

;; zero.el is auto-generated from multiple other files. see and
;; for details. It's created because package-lint doesn't support
;; multi-file package yet (issue #111).
;; zero is a Chinese input method framework for Emacs, implemented
;; as an Emacs minor mode.
;; zero-pinyin is bundled with zero, to use pinyin input method, add to
;; ~/.emacs file:
;;   (require 'zero-pinyin)
;;   (zero-set-default-im 'pinyin)
;;   ;; Now you may bind a key to zero-toggle to make it easy to
;;   ;; switch on/off the input method.
;;   (global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'zero-toggle)
;; zero supports Chinese punctuation mapping. There are three modes, none,
;; basic, and full. The default is basic mode, which only map most essential
;; punctuations. You can cycle zero-punctuation-level in current buffer by
;; C-c , , You can change default Chinese punctuation level:
;;   (setq-default zero-punctuation-level *zero-punctuation-level-full*)
;; zero supports full-width mode. You can toggle full-width mode in current
;; buffer by C-c , . You can enable full-width mode by default:
;;   (setq-default zero-full-width-mode t)

;;; Code:
(require 'dbus)
(eval-when-compile (require 'cl-lib))
(require 's)

;; body of zero-panel.el

;; implementation

(defun zero-panel-error-handler (event error)
  "Handle dbus errors.

EVENT and ERROR are error-handler arguments."
  (when (or (string-equal ""
			  (dbus-event-interface-name event))
	    (s-contains-p "" (cadr error)))
    (error "Zero-panel dbus failed: %S" (cadr error))))

(add-hook 'dbus-event-error-functions 'zero-panel-error-handler)

(defun zero-panel-async-call (method _handler &rest args)
  "Call METHOD on zero-panel service asynchronously.

This is a wrapper around `dbus-call-method-asynchronously'.
ARGS optional extra args to pass to the wrapped function."
  (apply 'dbus-call-method-asynchronously
	 ""	; well known name
	 "/com/emacsos/zero/Panel1"	; object path
	 "" ; interface name
	 method nil :timeout 500 args))

;; public utility function

(defun zero-alist-to-asv (hints)
  "Convert Lisp alist to dbus a{sv} data structure.

HINTS should be an alist of form '((k1 [v1type] v1) (k2 [v2type] v2)).

For example,
  '((\"name\" \"foo\")
    (\"timeout\" :int32 10)))
  (:dict-entry \"name\" (:variant \"foo\"))
  (:dict-entry \"timeout\" (:variant :int32 10)))"
  (if (null hints)
      '(:array :signature "{sv}")
    (let ((result '(:array)))
      (dolist (item hints)
	(push (list :dict-entry (car item) (cons :variant (cdr item))) result))
      (reverse result))))

;; public API

(defun zero-panel-move (x y)
  "Move panel to specific coordinate (X, Y).
Origin (0, 0) is at screen top left corner."
  (zero-panel-async-call "Move" nil :int32 x :int32 y))

(defun zero-panel-show-candidates (preedit_str candidate_length candidates &optional hints)
Argument PREEDIT_STR the preedit string.
Argument CANDIDATE_LENGTH how many candidates are in candidates list."
  (zero-panel-async-call "ShowCandidates" nil
			 :string preedit_str
			 :uint32 candidate_length
			 (or candidates '(:array))
			 (zero-alist-to-asv hints)))

(defun zero-panel-show ()
  "Show panel."
  (zero-panel-async-call "Show" nil))

(defun zero-panel-hide ()
  "Hide panel."
  (zero-panel-async-call "Hide" nil))

(defun zero-panel-quit ()
  "Quit panel application."
  (zero-panel-async-call "Quit" nil))

(provide 'zero-panel)

;; body of zero-framework.el

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;; dependencies

;; utils

;; this function is from ibus.el
(defun zero--ibus-compute-pixel-position (&optional pos window)
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  "Return geometry of object at POS in WINDOW as a list like \(X Y H).
X and Y are pixel coordinates relative to top left corner of frame which
WINDOW is in.  H is the pixel height of the object.
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Omitting POS and WINDOW means use current position and selected window,
  (let* ((frame (window-frame (or window (selected-window))))
	 (posn (posn-at-point (or pos (window-point window)) window))
	 (line (cdr (posn-actual-col-row posn)))
	 (line-height (and line
			   (or (window-line-height line window)
			       (and (redisplay t)
				    (window-line-height line window)))))
	 (x-y (or (posn-x-y posn)
		  (let ((geom (pos-visible-in-window-p
			       (or pos (window-point window)) window t)))
		    (and geom (cons (car geom) (cadr geom))))
		  '(0 . 0)))
	 (ax (+ (car (window-inside-pixel-edges window))
		(car x-y)))
	 (ay (+ (cadr (window-pixel-edges window))
		(or (nth 2 line-height) (cdr x-y))))
	 (height (or (car line-height)
		     (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
			;; `posn-object-width-height' returns an incorrect value
			;; when the header line is displayed (Emacs bug #4426).
			((and posn
			      (null header-line-format))
			 (cdr (posn-object-width-height posn)))
			((and (bound-and-true-p text-scale-mode)
			      (not (zerop (with-no-warnings
			 (round (* (frame-char-height frame)
				     (expt text-scale-mode-step
			 (frame-char-height frame)))))))
    (list ax ay height)))

(defun zero-get-point-position ()
  "Return current point's position (x y).
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