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#+Date: 2019-10-08
Time-stamp: <2019-11-10>
#+STARTUP: content
* notes                                                               :entry:
** 2019-04-01 zero-el a Chinese IM framework in emacs; FSM              :doc:
title was: how to write a modern im for emacs.
cd ~/lisp/elisp/zero/
- DONE can I implement it as a minor mode? yes.
- DONE can I use panel to show candidates? yes.
- zero minor mode FSM
  implemented in zero.el
  | Imp | state            | action                                              | next state       | trigger action                                                                                          |
  | Y   | IM_OFF           | M-x zero-input-on or zero-input-toggle                          | IM_WAITING_INPUT | turn on minor mode                                                                                      |
  | Y   | IM_WAITING_INPUT | type M-x zero-input-off or zero-input-toggle                    | IM_OFF           | turn off minor mode                                                                                     |
  | Y   | IM_WAITING_INPUT | type character that can start a sequence            | IM_PREEDITING    | update preedit str, show candidate list                                                                 |
  | Y   | IM_WAITING_INPUT | type character that can not start a sequence        | IM_WAITING_INPUT | insert character (full-width aware)                                                                     |
  | Y   | IM_WAITING_INPUT | type [,.?!\]                                        | IM_WAITING_INPUT | insert Chinese punctuation character (full-width aware)                                                 |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type character (that is not SPC, digit keys)        | IM_PREEDITING    | update preedit str, update and show candidate list                                                      |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type RET                                            | IM_WAITING_INPUT | commit preedit str (full-width aware), hide candidate list, reset preedit str                           |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type SPC                                            | IM_WAITING_INPUT | commit first candidate or preedit str (full-width aware), reset preedit str                             |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type digit keys                                     | IM_WAITING_INPUT | commit nth candidate if it exists, otherwise, append to preedit str                                     |
  |     | IM_PREEDITING    | type C-g                                            | IM_WAITING_INPUT | reset IM (reset preedit str, hide candidate list)                                                       |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type M-x zero-input-off or zero-input-toggle                    | IM_OFF           | reset IM, turn off minor mode                                                                           |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type <backspace>, when preedit str is longer than 1 | IM_PREEDITING    | update preedit str, update and show candidate list                                                      |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type <backspace>, when preedit str is length 1      | IM_WAITING_INPUT | reset IM                                                                                                |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | focus in                                            | IM_PREEDITING    | show candidat list                                                                                      |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | focus out                                           | IM_PREEDITING    | hide panel                                                                                              |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type [,.?!\]                                        | IM_WAITING_INPUT | commit first candidate or preedit str (full-width aware), insert Chinese punctuation (full-width aware) |
  | Y   | IM_PREEDITING    | type -/=                                            | IM_PREEDITING    | candiate page up/down                                                                                   |
  |     |                  |                                                     |                  |                                                                                                         |

  in IM_OFF state, zero should not do any preedit try nor do punctuation

- DONE make zero-input-quickdial IM work in emacs.
  see ~/lisp/elisp/zero/zero-input-quickdial.el
- DONE make zero-input-table IM work in emacs. with zero-input-panel.
  see ~/lisp/elisp/zero/zero-input-table.el
- during development, press F8 to byte-compile and load the current el file.
  this will also look for errors in the file.

  press F9 to run ert tests.
  - whenever a command moves point, IM should probably reset()
    I can't remap every possible key/function.

  - I need hook for buffer/window focus in/out.
    currently, when user switch to another buffer, the panel will still show.

    user can click mouse in another emacs window.
    whenever focus is moved outside current buffer, I need a hook to run

    how to reproduce the problem
    open emacs, split, top window show buffer with file t3, bottom window show
    buffer with file t4.

    in t3 buffer, press F1 to toggle zero on. type "a", candidate list will
    show. now press C-x o to switch to t4 buffer. candidate list didn't go
    away. because I can't find a hook for it.

    the mouse case:
    open emacs, split, top window show buffer with file t3, bottom window show
    buffer with file t4.

    in t3 buffer, press F1 to toggle zero on. type "a", candidate list will
    show. now click mouse on t4 buffer. candidate list didn't go away. because
    I can't find a hook for it.

  - how to check whether string contains character?
    without converting char to string.

    (zero-input-table-can-start-sequence) can use this.
** 2019-10-10 documents
- Using of D-Bus

* later                                                               :entry:
* current                                                             :entry:
** 2019-11-03 add completion support for zero-input-set-im
complete registered im symbols.
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
** 2019-10-23 checkdoc and package-lint can't ignore some non-issues.
I can't run them in git pre-commit hook.
* done                                                                :entry:
** 2019-11-10 space doesn't work in full-width mode.
全角和半角 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

ascii   full-width unicode codepoint.
0x20 	" " 	U+3000

- add a failing unit test.

** 2019-11-07 full width mode no longer works. why?
C-c , . enabled full-width mode.
but modeline is not changed.
type digit just insert half-width char.


it's always nil.
check zero-input-toggle-full-width

- defvar-local and setq problem.
  (defvar-local zero-input-full-width-p nil)
  (setq zero-input-full-width-p (not zero-input-full-width-p))

  maybe setq doesn't set buffer local variable when it is defined as

  eval (zero-input-toggle-full-width) inside zero buffer does work.
  but press C-c ,. doesn't change the variable in zero buffer.

  C-c ,, zero-input-cycle-punctuation-level does work.

- read buffer-local variables.
  Info: (elisp) Buffer-Local Variables

  A variable can have buffer-local bindings in some buffers but not in other
  buffers.  The default binding is shared by all the buffers that don’t have
  their own bindings for the variable.

- check how it is done in old code. before defvar-local.
  git show a8e2341f978d64d6068bb564ad15e896e810e21b -- zero-input-framework.el

  (make-local-variable 'zero-input-full-width-mode)
  I think I need this back.
  defvar-local only make variable buffer local when it is set for the first
  time. maybe that's not enough.

  first call to C-c,. should be "enabled full-width mode"

- 2019-11-10 it's said 2.0.0 also have problem.

  add (make-local-variable 'zero-input-full-width-mode) in minor mode init

  are there other similar problems for local variables?

  defvar-local is not the same as make-local-variable.
  because if you only read the variable, it will get a global value.

  defvar-local is similar to make-variable-buffer-local. both only create a
  buffer local binding on first set.

  use setq-local is equivalent to make-local-variable and setq.

** 2019-11-03 review advice from riscy.
riscy, thanks for the review. Some quite good advice there.

Here are changes I have made.

- dropped Package-Version metadata. Version was there from the start.
- zero-input-full-width-mode renamed to zero-input-full-width-p.
- zero-input-toggle is now an obsolete alias for zero-input-mode.
  updated docstring to suggest user bind key to zero-input-mode.
- use defvar-local when variable is always buffer local.
  git grep make-local-variable
- moved test data to debug/test files.
- Comments on keeping just one `provide' call for zero-input.el

  It's easy to fix in build script. But I have kept multiple provide calls for
  the following reasons:

  - All features provided are in fact independent modules. They can be
    optionally loaded, they could have alternative implementations, and some
    can be reused in other emacs lisp projects.
  - Test file for each feature only require that feature, not all of
    zero-input.el. If only one provide is used, test file have to require the
    whole thing, or I will need different require call for development code
    and released code.
  - The one file zero-input.el is only created for easier distribution. I
    would like to switch to multi-file distribution when package-lint supports
    multi-file packages.

  If possible, I would like to keep the multiple provide calls.
- fixed typo. zero-input-pinin-service > `zero-input-pinyin-service'.

- implementation
  - test zero-input-mode function works fine when bind to a key.
- problems
  - when use one `provide' call. tests (require 'zero-input-panel) won't work.
  - test in emacs -Q. press f5 zero-input-mode, type anything result in
    English text. M-x zero-on does work.

    zero-input-on and zero-input-off have more to do than just set the minor
    mode on and off.

    Can I do those via hooks?

    - zero-input-on, can just do it at minor mode definition.
    - zero-input-off, it calls reset and set-state.
    - all fixed. just use emacs generated zero-input-mode function.  always
      reset when minor mode is enabled. there is no need to reset when minor
      mode is turned off.

** 2019-10-15 make package-lint happy on all el files.
- package-lint doesn't support multi-file package.

  Need to add headers to make it happy.

  Because it doesn't have concept on multi-file package, it insists all
  functions in file start with file name prefix. I can't have zero-input-* utility
  function in zero-input-panel.el

- M-x package-lint-current-buffer fail on zero.el file
  this line:
  (eval-when-compile (require 'cl-macs))

  M-x package-lint-current-buffer fails on a fresh .el file with just that

  #+BEGIN_SRC sh
    Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument integer-or-marker-p nil)
      package-lint--map-symbol-match("(\\s-*?require\\s-*?'cl-\\(?:macs\\|seq\\)\\_>" #f(compiled-function (_) #<bytecode 0x15e4cd9>))
      call-interactively(package-lint-current-buffer record nil)
      command-execute(package-lint-current-buffer record)
      execute-extended-command(nil "package-lint-current-buffer" nil)
      funcall-interactively(execute-extended-command nil "package-lint-current-buffer" nil)
      call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)

  "This file is not in the `cl-lib' ELPA compatibility package: require `cl-lib' instead."

  says you should use cl-lib instead. may as well try that.
  yes. that works.

- create a single file for distribution.
  package-lint doesn't support multiple file pkg yet.

  - create a single zero.el file for distribution.
    rename current zero.el to zero-input-framework.el
  - make build
    should generate zero.el and run checks on it.
  - insert content to
    ;;; Code:
    ;;; .*\.el ends here
  - now package-lint should be fine.
  - I should I put zero.el in a branch or a separate git repo?
    separate git repo is better.
    how to auto build and commit on source repo push?
    use gocd CI, I can trigger a build. just run git add and git push there?
    if run in the same repo, two branch is required.
  - maybe just add zero.el in master branch and commit it anyway.

** 2019-10-11 move tests to separated files.
otherwise (require 'zero-input-pinyin) will fail because (require 'ert) is not in
** 2019-10-09 release zero-el on melpa
melpa/ at master · melpa/melpa · GitHub

Making your package ready for inclusion

Packaging Basics - GNU Emacs Lisp Reference Manual

name: zero
version: 1.2.2
brief: a Chinese input method framework
long: zero is a Chinese input method framework for Emacs, implemented
as an Emacs minor mode. A zero-pinyin input method is included with zero
dependencies: s

Preparing a pull request to MELPA

- problems
  - should I create two pkg, one for zero-framework and one for zero-pinyin?
    does melpa require two repo for this?
  - minimum s version?
    I only use s-contains-p s-join.
    checked github
    tag 1.2.0 already include these functions.
  - Note that there is no way to control the order in which files are

    // seems my pkg compile just fine.
  - how to add autoload magic comments?

    A magic autoload comment (often called an autoload cookie) consists of
    ‘;;;###autoload’, on a line by itself, just before the real definition of
    the function in its autoloadable source file.

    add this for some user commands.
  - run package-lint
  - Prefix function names with #’ (i.e., the special form function) instead of
    just ’ (i.e., the special form quote) to tell the compiler this is a
    function reference. E.g., (seq-filter #'evenp list).

    I don't think this is necessary in my code.
  - do I need to fix all checkdoc problems for my pkg to be accepted by melpa?
    search: melpa checkdoc one liner functions docstring

    yes. they require all checkdoc problem be fixed.
    Add recipe for a.el by dotemacs · Pull Request #4830 · melpa/melpa

    how to specify minimum emacs version?
    ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
  - DONE fix all checkdoc problems.
    // except for zero-mode, which I don't know how to fix. all other problems
    - Disambiguate zero-mode by preceding w/ function,command,variable,option
      or symbol. (C-h,f,e,n,p,q) [4 times]

      this one is really confusing.
      org-mode-map doesn't do this.
      magit-mode-map doesn't do this.
  - TODO how to add dbus as dependencies?
    some emacs build may not have dbus.
    (require 'dbus)

    also how to only allow install on linux? when I test it dbus only worked
    in linux.

    what's the correct syntax for specifying dbus as dependency?
    (dbus "1.0")
    didn't work.
  - search: package-install-file package--description-file: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil
    search: emacs package-install-file install tar package--description-file: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil

    install from dir is okay.
    install from tar is not. Not sure what's wrong.
** 2019-10-08 support full-width characters and symbols.
全角 半角

- feature requests
  - when zero-mode is on, and in full-width mode
    - commit English character and symbol should commit full-width character
      if there is a full-width character. This should happen before checking
      punctuation mapping. if a map is found, punctuation mapping is ignored.
    - type letters should still go into preedit str, only commit full-width
      char when user press RET.
  - when zero-mode is on, and in half-width mode (the default)
    - do what it does now. punctuation mapping is checked.

- implementation
  - Block Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms – Codepoints
  - how to support full width character and symbol in zero?
    update fsm table.

    add a zero-full-width-mode variable
    add default binding shift+space, M-x zero-toggle-full-width-mode

    use modeline LIGHTER to show full/half width mode.
    when in full-width mode, show ZeroF.

    FSM table:
    move from gtk-im-module-zero operational file.
  - updated FSM.
    so it's only a few changes.
    - when insert character that can't start a sequence, insert char should be
      full-width aware.

      DONE zero-commit-preedit-str
      DONE zero-convert-punctuation
    - when commit preedit str, insert should be full-width aware.
    - when insert Chinese punctuation character, insert should be full-width aware.
- problems
  - where is the GB standard file?
  - docs
    GB/T 15834―2011 标点符号用法 电子版
    doesn't have much about full width vs half width.
  - indeed double quotation mark is different from fullwidth quotation mark.


  - search U+FF02

    Block Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms – Codepoints

  - why bind S-SPC key in zero-mode-map didn't work.
    global-set-key does work.

    shift-space is always translated to space in minor mode?
    shift is not registered as key prefix.

    I will just use another key binding for this command.
    try M-space. nope.
    Minor modes may bind commands to key sequences consisting of C-c followed
    by a punctuation character. However, sequences consisting of C-c followed
    by one of {}<>:;, or a control character or digit, are reserved for major
    modes. Also, C-c letter is reserved for users. See Key Binding

    try use C-c , , and C-c , .

    how to add C-c , as prefix key and add binding for those two commands?
    it works.

  - elisp how to convert unicode hex to char?
    1. Non-ASCII Characters

    FF01 to FF65    only 65 chars. I will just type it.
    "\uff01" !

    char to code point:
    (split-char ?\)(unicode 0 255 1)

    # FF01
    (split-char ?\!)(unicode 0 255 1)
    (insert (make-char 'unicode 0 255 1))
    (split-char ?\!)(ascii 33)
    # FF5A
    (split-char ?\z)(unicode 0 255 90)
    (insert (make-char 'unicode 0 255 90))
    (split-char ?\z)(ascii 122)
    # FF65
    (split-char ?\・)(unicode 0 255 101)
    (insert (make-char 'unicode 0 255 101))

    ascii [33, 122]
    map to
    unicode 0 255 [1, 101].

    then pick a few others if they are of importance.

  - commit preedit str in full-width mode didn't work.
    it still commit half-width str.

    is zero-commit-preedit-str called at all? there is no debug message.
    that is for commit preedit-str when there is no candidate.

    when I press RET, the code is in zero-return.

  - type = will insert both full-width char and half-width char.

* wontfix                                                             :entry: