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Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
* COMMENT -*- mode: org -*-
#+Date: 2017-01-26
Time-stamp: <2017-01-27>
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
#+STARTUP: content
* notes                                                               :entry:
** 2017-01-27 steps to add new operator button.				:doc:
- add button in UI HTML.
- update fsm.js keyNames, shortKeyNames, operatorKeyList.
- add operator handling code.

  If you can use this.doBinaryOperator(), use that is easier.

  General steps:
  - take snapshot.
  - manipulate numberStack.
  - if there is error, call this.setErrorMsg(), pop snapshot and do early return.
  - if there is no error, push result in numberStack, push new op and result to this.trail.

** 2017-01-26 design data structure for the calculator.
- this can be written and tested independently from the web UI.
- basic data:
  - stack of numbers.
  - current state and data in finite state machine (fsm).
  - data for undo. I think I can just take a snapshot of the fsm.

- how many states are there?

  init state is "idle".

  | this state                   | event                     | next state                                       |
  | idle                         | press num keys or dot key | modify number, then waiting for number or action |
  | idle                         | press +-*/ swap           | do op, then idle                                 |
  | waiting for number or action | press num keys or dot key | modify number, then waiting for number or action |
  | waiting for number or action | press return key          | commit number, then idle                         |
  | waiting for number or action | press +-*/                | commit number, do op, then idle                  |
  | waiting for number or action | press < key               | modify number, then waiting for number or action |
  | idle                         | press return key          | dup number, then idle                            |
  | idle                         | press < key               | drop number on stack, then idle                  |
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  | idle                         | press undo                | restore to previous snapshot, then idle          |
  | waiting for number or action | press undo                | commit number, then do undo, then idle           |
  There is no ending state, the machine can always accept new keyboard events.

- a few display and error handling.

  - when number is "0", press more num0 will just show error and not modify the number.

  - when number is "", press dot will change number to "0."

  - when number already has a dot in it, future dot will just show error and
    not modify the number.

* later                                                               :entry:
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Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-27 how to capture backspace key in javascript? what about TAB key?
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** 2017-01-27 the whole FSM can be made persistent across sessions.
not only trail.

- load FSM data on page init.
- save FSM data on each call to FSM functions.

The usefulness is doubtful. I will leave it.

** 2017-01-26 make the whole thing a polymer web component
<rpn-calculator trail="true"></rpn-calculator>

User can also set height and width on the element, which will resize the
elements inside. When there is no room, show a scrollbar.

shadow dom should make all HTML/CSS/Javascript work together without affecting
the parent DOM.

* current                                                             :entry:
** 2017-01-26 make it work offline, add sw.js
- cache calc.html, fifo.js, fsm.js.
  try update cache when cached page is more than 1d old.
- cache vendor/* indefinitely.
  do not check for update.
  I think I can use version to handle this when I do upgrade vendor assets.

** 2017-01-27 deploy on
- I considered, but I don't want
  to mess up with sw.js scope issue.

  maybe use calc-sw.js? I still don't like that.

- just use a standalone domain.

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Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-27 add some visual feedback when clicking a button. like in material design.
** 2017-01-27 UI problem: when input a very large number, #number-display and keyboard will grow.
should set a max-width on #number-display.

overflow: auto
doesn't work with <td> in firefox.
* done                                                                :entry:
** 2017-01-27 bug: ** is not supported in firefox.
use Math.pow() instead.

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Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-27 accept keyboard event as well.		     :low:featurereq:
- num0 to num9
- dot
- n for change-sign
- enter for return
- backspace
- +, -, *, /
  not sure about
  shift+= => +
  shift+8 => *

- tab for swap

- This is only useful on desktop. Not very useful on mobile.
  Can I skip a JS code block when executing on mobile browser that doesn't
  have physical keyboard?

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- problems
  - backspace doesn't trigger .keypress().
  - tab jump between links. doesn't trigger .keypress().
** 2017-01-27 add a button: sum-all, it will sum all numbers on stack. :featurereq:
- make UI auto height based on keyboard height.
- add three buttons: sum-all, square-root, power

** 2017-01-27 add a button: sqrt				 :featurereq:
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Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-26 make undo work
- action based or snapshot based?
- how does "undo" fit in the FSM states?
  it's an op, like swap/return.

  what can undo do?

  undo commit a number. (this just undo a return misc command)
  undo an op. (restore stack)

  it will not undo backspace when in "waiting for number or op" state.

- how to implement it?

  init FSM:
  this.snapshots = new fifo.BoundedQueue(100);

  on FSM op handler:
  //do op

  on FSM "undo" op handler:

  when user undo, show "Undo!" in error msg.
  if this.snapshots.pop() return undefined, undo fail with error msg "No more undo history!".

  It can undo the two "clear" and "reset" commands as well. Just take snapshot
  before running those.

- undo does not write undo op to trail. it unwind the whole FSM.

  in emacs, undo doesn't change trail at all.
  should I keep trail data in
  I will just restore trail to previous saved snapshot.

- can I undo a undo? no.

  s0, e1 => s1
  s1, e2 => s2
  s2, undo => s1
  s1, e3 => s3
  s3, undo => s2
  s2, undo => s1
  s1, undo => s0

  DONE add unit test for this.

- problems
  - when to take snapshot?

    return    {[]} [1]
    return    {[1]} [1, 2]

    my initial design has no problem. do it before each op.
  - save snapshot doesn't work.

    when commit number to stack,

    r =
    r is undefined.
    r["numberStack"] is a mess. not an array at all.

    is it about the waiting state?
    when doing the push, the current state is still waiting state.
    do it before modifying stack instead. I don't want to take a snapshot on waiting state.

  - it's a shadow copy problem. save() returns a reference to the same
    array. that will create lots of problems. I need a copy there.

    see example in ./test-shadow-copy.html

    how to clone array in javascript?
    use .slice(0) on the array.

  - I see the problem.
    undo should be FILO stack, not FIFI queue!

    I need a bounded stack.

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Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-26 make basic things work.
- DONE draw the keyboard using HTML and CSS
- DONE make basic number input and arithmetic work
- DONE make DUP and SWP work
- DONE make trail work
** 2017-01-26 make trail persistent
trail is a bounded fifo queue, it just store recent 1k entries.
when multiple instances of calculator is working. they all write to a single
trail cache. it's not a problem.

** 2017-01-27 make trail work
- when is trail being updated?
  - when a number is committed to number stack. return.
  - when a new number is pushed to stack as an op result. plus, change-sign.
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Yuanle Song committed
  - dup and swap doesn't change trail.

- this should be part of the FSM.
  what data should I store?
  it's a queue of [(Maybe op, number)].

  as mentioned previously, this data can be made persistent across
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- DONE first write a bounded fifo queue in javascript.
- load persistent data for trails when init the FSM.
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Yuanle Song committed
  update the persistent data when trails has changed.

  // is updating local storage a heavy operation? I hope it doesn't sync to
  disk everytime I update a key.

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- implementation notes
  - show last 10 entries in UI. allow user to use scrollbar to scroll to
    earlier entries.

    leave this UI optimization later. for now, just show last 10 or 20 entries.
  - use table to show trail in HTML.
    trailOp right align.
    trailNum left align.
    mark last entry using color highlight. there is no need for > marker.

  - grep for "this.numberStack.push" to push elements to this.trail.

  - change-sign op is not shown in trait. why?
    it's because shortKeyNames key should be key name string literal, not the
    js constant identifier.

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Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-27 design a layout for mobile.
- layout on mobile:



- stack and trail has smaller height as well.

- how to test it on device?
  I don't have wifi.

  try use AP mode.

  mate8 phone can't access the IP on x201.
  maybe there is no route for

- implementation notes
  - 200+300+200=700
    apply css when width < 720.

    width: 375, 412, 414
  - TODO test it in portrait and landscape mode.
    does css auto adjust page when user rotate phone?

    landscape mode height need to be adjusted.
    try not to use fixed pixel in div height/width.

    DONE add expand button on stack and trail.
    when expand, set max-height to 300px;
    default max-height is 100px;

  - keyboard should be put on top on mobile device.
    I don't want the keyboard to move down when stack grows.

    I remember flex has an attribute that support this.
    apply on the children.
    css order property. it's an integer.

    works perfectly.

** 2017-01-27 add a reset button. browser refresh button is not always easily accessible, esp on mobile.
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** 2017-01-27 stack, trail: overflow problem.
- when there is not enough room, show scrollbar.
- always show the title section.
- auto scroll to bottom when content overflow.

  TODO how to scroll to bottom?

** 2017-01-26 make < (backspace) work.
** 2017-01-26 make stack auto numbering work
** 2017-01-26 handle error for every this.numberStack.pop()
- handle error for every this.numberStack.pop()
- show lastError in web UI.

  RPNCalculator should clear lastError when it processed another sendKey()

  maybe do early return whenever I called this.setErrorMsg(errMsg).

- implementation notes
  - [].pop() return undefined when array is empty.

  - when fetch 2 values, if only 1 fail. the pop() number should be put back
    to the stack. add a unit test for this.

  - about division by 0. js just return infinity.
    I will show error instead and do not consume any number on stack.

** 2017-01-27 feature: backspace key, when idle, should delete number on stack.
** 2017-01-27 bug: press number-display button trigger an error.
it is treated as a num key.

the FSM should only accept known keys.

update isNumberKey().

** 2017-01-26 make basic number input and arithmetic work
- DONE make event work.
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  - MOVED add some visual feedback when clicking a button. like in material design.
- DONE design data structure for the calculator.
- DONE add unit test for the data structure and functions.
- DONE make number input and simple calculation work.

** 2017-01-27 make RPNCalculator work with web UI.
- make event handler work with RPNCalculator.
- sync this.numberStack and this.currentNumber with the web UI.

** 2017-01-26 what to do with negate operator?
emacs use n (change sign)
add this button. move divide button to somewhere else.

** 2017-01-26 how to write a fsm simulator in javascript.
- try write an easier example before writing the real thing.
- easy example:
  check whether a string has substring "abb".

  | this state       | event                 | next state                                                                                    |
  | wait for "a"     | read new character ch | if ch is "a", wait for 1st "b"; otherwise, wait for "a"                                       |
  | wait for 1st "b" | read new character ch | if ch is "b" => wait for 2nd "b"; if ch is "a" => wait for 1st "b"; otherwise => wait for "a" |
  | wait for 2nd "b" | read new character ch | if ch is "b" => succeed; if ch is "a" => wait for 1st "b"; otherwise => wait for "a"          |
  | succeed          | ∅                     | ∅                                                                                             |

- it works.

** 2017-01-26 draw the keyboard using HTML and CSS
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* wontfix                                                             :entry:
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** 2017-01-27 feature: long press backspace just delete the current number.
there is no long press mouse event.
won't add this feature.