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Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
* COMMENT -*- mode: org -*-
#+Date: 2017-01-26
Time-stamp: <2017-01-27>
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
#+STARTUP: content
* notes                                                               :entry:
** 2017-01-26 design data structure for the calculator.
- this can be written and tested independently from the web UI.
- basic data:
  - stack of numbers.
  - current state and data in finite state machine (fsm).
  - data for undo. I think I can just take a snapshot of the fsm.

- how many states are there?

  init state is "idle".

  | this state                   | event                     | next state                                       |
  | idle                         | press num keys or dot key | modify number, then waiting for number or action |
  | idle                         | press +-*/ swap           | do op, then idle                                 |
  | waiting for number or action | press num keys or dot key | modify number, then waiting for number or action |
  | waiting for number or action | press return key          | commit number, then idle                         |
  | waiting for number or action | press +-*/                | commit number, do op, then idle                  |
  | waiting for number or action | press < key               | modify number, then waiting for number or action |
  | idle                         | press return key          | dup number, then idle                            |
  | idle                         | press < key               | drop number on stack, then idle                  |
  There is no ending state, the machine can always accept new keyboard events.

- a few display and error handling.

  - when number is "0", press more num0 will just show error and not modify the number.

  - when number is "", press dot will change number to "0."

  - when number already has a dot in it, future dot will just show error and
    not modify the number.

* later                                                               :entry:
** 2017-01-26 make the whole thing a polymer web component
<rpn-calculator trail="true"></rpn-calculator>

User can also set height and width on the element, which will resize the
elements inside. When there is no room, show a scrollbar.

shadow dom should make all HTML/CSS/Javascript work together without affecting
the parent DOM.

* current                                                             :entry:
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Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-27 add a reset button. browser refresh button is not always easily accessible, esp on mobile.
** 2017-01-27 make trail work
- when is trail being updated?
  - when a number is committed to number stack. return.
  - when a new number is pushed to stack as an op result. plus, change-sign.
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
  - dup and swap doesn't change trail.

- this should be part of the FSM.
  what data should I store?
  it's a queue of [(Maybe op, number)].

  as mentioned previously, this data can be made persistent across
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed

- DONE first write a bounded fifo queue in javascript.
- load persistent data for trails when init the FSM.
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Yuanle Song committed
  update the persistent data when trails has changed.

  // is updating local storage a heavy operation? I hope it doesn't sync to
  disk everytime I update a key.

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Yuanle Song committed
- implementation notes
  - show last 10 entries in UI. allow user to use scrollbar to scroll to
    earlier entries.

    leave this UI optimization later. for now, just show last 10 or 20 entries.
  - use table to show trail in HTML.
    trailOp right align.
    trailNum left align.
    mark last entry using color highlight. there is no need for > marker.

  - grep for "this.numberStack.push" to push elements to this.trail.

  - change-sign op is not shown in trait. why?
    it's because shortKeyNames key should be key name string literal, not the
    js constant identifier.

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Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-26 make trail persistent
trail is a bounded fifo queue, it just store recent 1k entries.
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Yuanle Song committed
when multiple instances of calculator is working. they all write to a single
trail cache. it's not a problem.

** 2017-01-26 make it work offline, add sw.js
** 2017-01-26 make undo work
** 2017-01-26 make basic things work.
- DONE draw the keyboard using HTML and CSS
- DONE make basic number input and arithmetic work
- DONE make DUP and SWP work
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
- make trail work
* done                                                                :entry:
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
** 2017-01-27 stack, trail: overflow problem.
- when there is not enough room, show scrollbar.
- always show the title section.
- auto scroll to bottom when content overflow.

  TODO how to scroll to bottom?

** 2017-01-26 make < (backspace) work.
** 2017-01-26 make stack auto numbering work
** 2017-01-26 handle error for every this.numberStack.pop()
- handle error for every this.numberStack.pop()
- show lastError in web UI.

  RPNCalculator should clear lastError when it processed another sendKey()

  maybe do early return whenever I called this.setErrorMsg(errMsg).

- implementation notes
  - [].pop() return undefined when array is empty.

  - when fetch 2 values, if only 1 fail. the pop() number should be put back
    to the stack. add a unit test for this.

  - about division by 0. js just return infinity.
    I will show error instead and do not consume any number on stack.

** 2017-01-27 feature: backspace key, when idle, should delete number on stack.
** 2017-01-27 bug: press number-display button trigger an error.
it is treated as a num key.

the FSM should only accept known keys.

update isNumberKey().

** 2017-01-26 make basic number input and arithmetic work
- DONE make event work.
  - TODO add some visual feedback when clicking a button. like in material design.
- DONE design data structure for the calculator.
- DONE add unit test for the data structure and functions.
- DONE make number input and simple calculation work.

** 2017-01-27 make RPNCalculator work with web UI.
- make event handler work with RPNCalculator.
- sync this.numberStack and this.currentNumber with the web UI.

** 2017-01-26 what to do with negate operator?
emacs use n (change sign)
add this button. move divide button to somewhere else.

** 2017-01-26 how to write a fsm simulator in javascript.
- try write an easier example before writing the real thing.
- easy example:
  check whether a string has substring "abb".

  | this state       | event                 | next state                                                                                    |
  | wait for "a"     | read new character ch | if ch is "a", wait for 1st "b"; otherwise, wait for "a"                                       |
  | wait for 1st "b" | read new character ch | if ch is "b" => wait for 2nd "b"; if ch is "a" => wait for 1st "b"; otherwise => wait for "a" |
  | wait for 2nd "b" | read new character ch | if ch is "b" => succeed; if ch is "a" => wait for 1st "b"; otherwise => wait for "a"          |
  | succeed          | ∅                     | ∅                                                                                             |

- it works.

** 2017-01-26 draw the keyboard using HTML and CSS
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
* wontfix                                                             :entry: