;;; zero-pinyin-service.el --- Provide emacs interface for zero-pinyin-service dbus service. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;; limitations under the License.
;;; Commentary:
;;; Code:
;; implementation
(require 'dbus)
(defun zero-pinyin-service-error-handler (event error)
"Handle dbus errors.
EVENT, ERROR are arguments passed to the handler."
(when (or (string-equal ""
(s-contains-p "" (cadr error)))
(error "`zero-pinyin-service' dbus failed: %S" (cadr error))))
(add-hook 'dbus-event-error-functions 'zero-pinyin-service-error-handler)
(defun zero-pinyin-service-async-call (method handler &rest args)
"Call METHOD on zero-pinin-service asynchronously.
This is a wrapper around `dbus-call-method-asynchronously'.
Argument HANDLER the handler function.
Optional argument ARGS extra arguments to pass to the wrapped function."
:session ""
method handler :timeout 1000 args))
(defun zero-pinyin-service-call (method &rest args)
"Call METHOD on zero-pinin-service synchronously.
This is a wrapper around `dbus-call-method'.
Optional argument ARGS extra arguments to pass to the wrapped function."
:session ""
method :timeout 1000 args))
;; public API
(defun zero-pinyin-service-get-candidates (preedit-str fetch-size)
"Get candidates for pinyin in PREEDIT-STR synchronously.
preedit-str the preedit-str, should be pure pinyin string
FETCH-SIZE try to fetch this many candidates or more"
(zero-pinyin-service-call "GetCandidates" :string preedit-str :uint32 fetch-size))
(defun zero-pinyin-service-get-candidates-async (preedit-str fetch-size get-candidates-complete)
"Get candidates for pinyin in PREEDIT-STR asynchronously.
PREEDIT-STR the preedit string, should be pure pinyin string.
FETCH-SIZE try to fetch this many candidates or more.
GET-CANDIDATES-COMPLETE the async handler function."
"GetCandidates" get-candidates-complete :string preedit-str :uint32 fetch-size))
(defun zero-pinyin-candidate-pinyin-indices-to-dbus-format (candidate_pinyin_indices)
"Convert CANDIDATE_PINYIN_INDICES to Emacs dbus format."
(let (result)
(push :array result)
;; (push :signature result)
;; (push "(ii)" result)
(dolist (pypair candidate_pinyin_indices)
(push (list :struct :int32 (cl-first pypair) :int32 (cl-second pypair))
(reverse result)))
(ert-deftest zero-pinyin-candidate-pinyin-indices-to-dbus-format ()
(should (equal (zero-pinyin-candidate-pinyin-indices-to-dbus-format '((22 31)))
'(:array (:struct :int32 22 :int32 31))))
(should (equal (zero-pinyin-candidate-pinyin-indices-to-dbus-format
'((17 46) (7 55)))
'(:array (:struct :int32 17 :int32 46)
(:struct :int32 7 :int32 55)))))
(defun zero-pinyin-service-commit-candidate-async (candidate candidate_pinyin_indices)
"Commit candidate asynchronously.
CANDIDATE the candidate user selected.
CANDIDATE_PINYIN_INDICES the candidate's pinyin shengmu and yunmu index."
;; don't care about the result, so no callback.
"CommitCandidate" nil
:string candidate
(zero-pinyin-candidate-pinyin-indices-to-dbus-format candidate_pinyin_indices)))
(defun zero-pinyin-service-delete-candidates-async (candidate delete-candidate-complete)
"Delete CANDIDATE asynchronously.
DELETE-CANDIDATE-COMPLETE the async handler function."
"DeleteCandidate" delete-candidate-complete :string candidate))
(defun zero-pinyin-service-quit ()
(zero-pinyin-service-async-call "Quit" nil))
;; some app test
(ert-deftest zero-pinyin-service-get-candidates ()
(cl-destructuring-bind (cs ls &rest rest)
(zero-pinyin-service-get-candidates "liyifeng" 1)
(should (or (and (equal (car cs) "李易峰")
(= (car ls) 8))
(and (equal (car cs) "利益")
(= (car ls) 4)))))
(cl-destructuring-bind (cs ls &rest rest)
(zero-pinyin-service-get-candidates "wenti" 1)
(should (equal (car cs) "问题"))
(should (= (car ls) 5)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (cs ls &rest rest)
(zero-pinyin-service-get-candidates "meiyou" 1)
(should (equal (car cs) "没有"))
(should (= (car ls) 6)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (cs ls &rest rest)
(zero-pinyin-service-get-candidates "shi" 1)
(should (equal (car cs) "是"))
(should (= (car ls) 3)))
(cl-destructuring-bind (cs ls &rest rest)
(zero-pinyin-service-get-candidates "de" 1)
(should (equal (car cs) "的"))
(should (= (car ls) 2))))
(provide 'zero-pinyin-service)