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operational.txt 1.39 KiB
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-*- mode: org -*-

* notes
** game design
- buttons are named Button1 to Button15. last empty block is named Button0.
* current
** 2018-01-14 make the basic work
- make blocks move in GUI when I click it.
  when click a non-movable block, do nothing.
- generate a game and reflect it in GUI using buttons.

- problems
  - how to write the click event for all buttons?
    decide which button is it.
    decide where is the button, where should it move.

    I decide to change button label and visibility.
    don't change button margin.

    create a model for the current board. then just relfect the board on the
    GUI. when user click a block, send a event to the model, then the model
    should decide which commands to send to the GUI components.

    class Board {
      initState: int[16];
      // block1 to block15 is just 1 to 15.
      // block0 is 0.

      currentState: int[16];

    Button12 click.
    decide the block int id using reflection.

    blockId = getClickButtonId();
    String clickBlockLabel = eventTarget.Content;
    if board.blockCanMove(blockId) {
      String oldBlock0Name = board.getBlock0ButtonName();
      board.moveBlock(blockId);  // change currentState array.
      getButtonByName(board.getBlock0ButtonName()).Visibility = Hidden;
      getButtonByName(oldBlock0Name).Content = clickBlockLabel;

    works on first try.


* done