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Yuanle Song committed
* COMMENT -*- mode: org -*-
#+Date: 2015-11-04
Time-stamp: <2015-12-31>
Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
#+STARTUP: content
* later								      :entry:
** 2015-11-04 warn when hypervisor can't start KVM type VM.
* current							      :entry:
** 2015-12-30 a new design of qvm.
- make create ubuntu VM easy. using qvm and sheepdog/nginx.
  - qvm init
    prepare env for HV.
    - install libvirt, qemu, ovs, kvm-check etc.
    - create ovs network or bridge. define libvirt network.
    - [optional] create secrets for ceph.
  - qvm create vm1 --core 2 --ram 512M --network default --disk /path/to/foo.img

    - create image for the vm.
    - define and start the vm.

    - supported disk type

      --disk /path/to/foo.img
      --disk ubuntu-14.04    find file with this name in images dir.
      --disk sheepdog:foo    clone from this sheepdog snapshot/disk.
      --disk URL-to-img-file download this file. use local copy if it exists.

      When download from URL, just save the file using the name of sha1 of
      URL, with original file suffix (for easier qemu-img operation).

      They all means make a copy of the image/snapshot and use that as first
      disk. Resize it to user requested size when cloning.

      - DONE URL type image.
	:t toLazyByteString $ byteStringHex $ SHA1.hash $ B.pack "abc"

	- how to download large file in haskell without using much RAM.
	  Network.HTTP.Conduit http can do it.
	  I hope openLazyURI can do it too. Because it's easier.
	  download-curl is not in lts haskell.
	  add it in stack.yaml. it works.

    - supported network

      --network type=bridge,bridge=br1,vlan=200,ip=
      --network type=nat,bridge=br1,ip=

      omit this parameter means use defined:default network.

      --network predefined:default
      --network predefined:ovs1
      --network ovsbridge:name=br0
      --network ovsbridge:name=br0,vlan=200

  - qvm rm vm1

    destroy domain and remove disk and xml file.

  - implementation

    - support bind IP using metadata service.
    - support resize disk image when cloning. do not use raw copy.
    - make nat and file base image work.

      - where to do disk copy action?
	when you `create' the domain. not just building the domain.

    - DONE implement "qvm init"
      I don't like the way haskell handle cli arguments.
      But for type safety, they have to be more complicated.

      I want my program to be self contained. so I don't plan to run
      puppet/salt there.

      DONE qvmInit :: IO ()

      DONE support "qvm init" in cmd line handling.

    - DONE how to use relative file path in stFile?
      renderXML d = [stFile|src/domain-templates/domain.xml|]
      works. just need src/ there. build always happens in stack.yaml dir.

    - DONE use text file template to render xml.
      network and disk should be placed in as a whole.

      Which library to use?
      libraries - Which Haskell library for interpolated strings - Stack Overflow

      try shakespeare

      render to Text using quasiquotes works.
      #+BEGIN_SRC haskell
        renderXML :: QvmDomain -> T.Text
        renderXML d = [st|
        haha my core is #{core d}

      TODO how to render using external file?
      I think the template file is compiled into the final binary.

      compare it with lucius.

      hamlet :: QuasiQuoter
      hamletFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp

      putStrLn $ renderHtml $ [hamlet|<body>|] render

      template = $(luciusFile "template.lucius")
      putStrLn $ renderCss $ template render
      didn't mention a solution.

      - I need to understand template haskell.

        what does quasiquoter produce?
        how to use Q Exp?

	understand what st is doing, then do the similar for textFile.

	#+BEGIN_SRC haskell
          stext :: QuasiQuoter
          stext = 
            QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> do
              rs <- settings
              render <- [|toLazyText|]
              rendered <- shakespeareFromString rs { justVarInterpolation = True } s
              return (render `AppE` rendered)

          textFile :: FilePath -> Q Exp
          textFile fp = do
              rs <- settings
              shakespeareFile rs fp

	QuasiQuoter {quoteExp :: String -> Q Exp}

	shakespeareFromString :: ShakespeareSettings -> String -> Q Exp
	shakespeareFile :: ShakespeareSettings -> FilePath -> Q Exp

      - copied some code and it is working now.

      - shift2space for pretty xml.

        TIO.putStrLn $ shift2space $ renderNetwork $ DefaultNAT
	printXML makeDomain

    - DONE OO design or functional? I like functional.

        setCore 2
        setRAM "512M"
        setNetwork {type: "nat", bridge: "br1"}
        setDisk {src: "/path/to/foo.img"}

      store all useful info in data structure, then generate xml in the final
      step. do not do xml level combination/replacing.

    - DONE qvm config directory.

    - DONE network type
      predefined nat. params: network name

      #+BEGIN_SRC xml
        <interface type='network'>
          <source network='default'/>
          <model type='virtio'/>

      bridge mode with vlan tag. params: bridge, vlanid
      #+BEGIN_SRC xml
        <interface type='bridge'>
          <forward mode="bridge"/>
          <source bridge="br1"/>
          <virtualport type='openvswitch'/>
          <model type='virtio'/>
          <vlan trunk='no'>
            <tag id='100'/>

      putStrLn $ T.unpack $ renderNetwork DefaultNAT
      putStrLn $ T.unpack $ renderNetwork $ OvsBridge "br1"
      putStrLn $ T.unpack $ renderNetwork $ OvsBridgeWithVLAN "br1" 100

Yuanle Song's avatar
Yuanle Song committed
** 2015-11-04 make this work:
qvm --core 4 --ram 2g --disk 20g

use NAT network and default disk image.

- check whether we have enough RAM for this.
- generate xml
- define domain
- start domain

** 2015-11-04 how to ensure VM get same IP across reboots?
how to list IPs for all VMs?

* done								      :entry: