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MainHelper.hs 799 B
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module MainHelper ( CallHistory(..)
                  , newUniqueCallHistory
                  ) where

import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)

import Lib (boundedPushRight)

-- in RAM call history for most recent 10 calls.
data CallHistory = CallHistory {
      chTime :: Text
    , chClientIP :: Text
    , chUserAgent :: Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq)

-- | insert a new unique call history, return a new unique call history Seq.
newUniqueCallHistory :: S.Seq CallHistory -> Int -> CallHistory -> S.Seq CallHistory
newUniqueCallHistory oldSeq historySize newEntry =
    case S.findIndexR (\entry -> chClientIP entry == chClientIP newEntry) oldSeq of
      Just index -> S.deleteAt index oldSeq S.|> newEntry
      Nothing -> boundedPushRight oldSeq historySize newEntry