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.TH zero-panel 1 2019-09-02 
zero-panel \- show candidates for zero-el input methods
.B zero-panel
Run panel service for zero-el input methods.
zero-panel is usually started automatically via dbus named service invocation.
You don't need to run it yourself.
zero-panel support themes.
Themes are gtk3 ui and css files.
Theme can make the panel prettier.
zero-panel is a single instance daemon.
If you start zero-panel when another zero-panel process is already running, it will print a message and exit immediately.
.BR \-? ", " \-\-help
show help options
.BR \-h ", " \-\-horizontal
use horizontal mode.
default is vertical mode
.BR \-t ", " \-\-theme
which theme to use
/usr/share/dbus-1/services/ \(em zero-panel dbus service file.
/usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/ \(em dbus service interface file.
This file describes the API.
/usr/share/zero-panel/ \(em zero-panel theme dir.
Each theme should have a .ui file and optionally a .css file.
zero-panel doesn't work with GNOME 3 on Wayland with GNOME shell because of a window focus issue.
Yuanle Song <>