* COMMENT -*- mode: org -*- #+Date: 2024-05-26 Time-stamp: <2024-05-26> * zero-input-panel-posframe zero-input is a Chinese input method framework built from scratch for Emacs. zero-input-panel-posframe is an optional zero-input panel built using the [[https://github.com/tumashu/posframe][posframe]] package. It works on X and Wayland. It doesn't work on tty. This branch is created for one-file ELPA release. For more information, please check [[https://gitlab.emacsos.com/sylecn/zero-el/blob/master/README][README in master branch]]. [[https://gitlab.emacsos.com/sylecn/zero-el/blob/master/ChangeLog][ChangeLog]] is also in master branch. To check difference between zero-input panels, see README in master branch on "Which panel should I use". * introduce to zero-input https://blog.emacsos.com/zero-el.html * License zero-input-panel-posframe is under Apache License 2.0