* COMMENT -*- mode: org -*-
#+Date: 2019-09-01
Time-stamp: <2020-02-16>
zero-el provides zero-input-pinyin, an Emacs pinyin input method for Chinese
and zero-input-framework, which is an emacs Chinese input method framework.
* An introduction to zero-el, including how to install and config zero-el.
For normal configurable variables, see
M-x customize-group zero-input
M-x customize-group zero-input-pinyin
* Zero Pinyin Usage
- Enable zero-input minor mode in emacs buffer.
M-x zero-input-mode
You should bind a global hotkey for this function for easier switch, e.g.
(global-set-key (kbd "<f1>") 'zero-input-mode)
- Type pinyin string, for example, "zhongwen", zero will show candidates
matches this pinyin string. You may choose first candidate by space. You may
choose other candidates by digit keys. You may page down, page up by =/-
Some notes on pinyin string,
- There is no ü on US keyboard, type v instead. For example lve 略.
- Use ' to separate pinyin substring like xi'an 西安
* Zero Framework features
- Auto save user phrases. When you type a new phrase, it will be remembered in
user phrase db.
- To delete system phrase or user phrase, type C-<digit> when candidate is
shown in zero-panel.
- Auto period for digits and English letter and digit mixed words. For
example, to type "3.6" when zero-input-mode is on, type "3." will insert "3。
", just continue type 6, it will be converted to "3.6". Same thing for "H。
265" -> "H.265".
It's a generated file for one-file package distribution. Not used for
zero framework source code. This provides the framework and user interface
- zero-input-pinyin-service.el
proof of concept of how to create an input method in emacs using minor mode.
serves as an example of how to use zero framework to create new input
* License
zero-el is under Apache License 2.0
zero-input--ibus-compute-pixel-position function in zero-input-framework.el is
under GPLv3. see NOTICE file.