* COMMENT -*- mode: org -*- #+Date: 2019-10-31 Time-stamp: <2019-10-31> #+STARTUP: content * notes :entry: ** 2019-10-31 how to build the project install dotnet core 3.0+ sdk. - debug build dotnet build dotnet run - release dotnet publish -c Release produce a dll file that can be run with dotnet foo.dll on target node. dotnet publish -c Release -r win7-x64 --self-contained false produce a dll and an exe. uses latest dotnet framework installed on target node. target node should install windows desktop dot net core 3.0. ** 2019-10-31 UI design :design: Dir: [Text ] [Open in Explorer] Images Image1 Image2 Image3 Image1Phone Image2Phone Image3Phone // click image will save image in My Pictures dir. Using the original file name and with proper image suffix (auto added based on image content). * later :entry: * current :entry: ** ** 2019-11-04 I can make it easier. just save most recent 6 images to My Pictures/spotlight/. A console app will work. No GUI is needed. ** 2019-10-31 implement it - dir row - render image - save image - problems - Console.WriteLine() doesn't write anything, when run "dotnet run" in powershell. WTF? why such simple thing fail? Will Console.writeline work in Windows Application? https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/2ddb37db-9e85-4065-af97-8035af17ff22/will-consolewriteline-work-in-windows-application?forum=csharpgeneral Console does not exist in a Windows-based application. c# - windows form .. console.writeline() where is console? - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5706723/windows-form-console-writeline-where-is-console - ** 2019-10-31 create a windows app to allow easier identify and copy spotlight image to user's pictures dir. auto show recent 6 spotlight images. click image to "save as" png file. - the dir is %AppData%\..\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets - use find command to locate most recent 6 images. could be less if run on new computer. - use some widget to show png/jpg image. - when click "save as", just copy the original file. do not save the in-memory image data or re-encode the image. - * done :entry: ** 2019-10-31 create a dotnet core 3.0 app. mkdir dotnet new winforms * wontfix :entry: