name: reliable-download version: synopsis: provide reliable download service via HTTP description: reliable-download web application and cli tool homepage: "" bug-reports: "" license: GPL-3 author: Yuanle Song maintainer: copyright: "Copyright: (c) 2018 Yuanle Song" category: Utilities extra-source-files: - ghc-options: - -Wall - -Werror # - -fprof-auto default-extensions: - OverloadedStrings - ScopedTypeVariables dependencies: - base >= 4.7 && < 5 - scotty - wai - warp # - wai-app-static - wai-middleware-static - hedis - directory - cryptohash - bytestring - text - byteable - aeson - network - log-base - formatting - filepath - unix - unordered-containers - optparse-applicative library: source-dirs: src executables: rd-api: source-dirs: api main: Main.hs dependencies: - reliable-download ghc-options: - -threaded rd: source-dirs: client main: Main.hs dependencies: - reliable-download # I only need the Type module - http-conduit - http-client - http-types - async - retry - transformers - socket ghc-options: - -threaded tests: all-tests: main: TestApi.hs source-dirs: test dependencies: - reliable-download - hspec - hspec-wai - http-types - wai-extra - unordered-containers - binary