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...@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@ ...@@ -11,8 +11,10 @@
module Mbackup module Mbackup
open System open System
open System.IO
open System.Diagnostics open System.Diagnostics
open System.Text.RegularExpressions; open System.Text.RegularExpressions;
open System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
open Argu open Argu
...@@ -20,12 +22,14 @@ let ExitBadParam = 1 ...@@ -20,12 +22,14 @@ let ExitBadParam = 1
let ExitTimeout = 2 let ExitTimeout = 2
let ExitIOError = 3 let ExitIOError = 3
[<SuppressMessage("*", "UnionCasesNames")>]
type CLIArguments = type CLIArguments =
| [<AltCommandLine("-n")>] Dry_Run | [<AltCommandLine("-n")>] Dry_Run
| Target of backupTarget: string | Target of backupTarget: string
| Remote_User of remoteUser: string | Remote_User of remoteUser: string
| [<AltCommandLine("-i")>] Itemize_Changes | [<AltCommandLine("-i")>] Itemize_Changes
| Node_Name of nodeName: string | Node_Name of nodeName: string
| Ssh_Key of sshKeyFilename: string
with with
interface IArgParserTemplate with interface IArgParserTemplate with
member s.Usage = member s.Usage =
...@@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ with ...@@ -34,6 +38,8 @@ with
| Target _ -> "rsync target, could be local dir or remote ssh dir" | Target _ -> "rsync target, could be local dir or remote ssh dir"
| Remote_User _ -> "remote linux user to own the backup files" | Remote_User _ -> "remote linux user to own the backup files"
| Itemize_Changes _ -> "add -i option to rsync" | Itemize_Changes _ -> "add -i option to rsync"
| Node_Name _ -> "local node's name, used in remote logging"
| Ssh_Key _ -> "ssh private key, used when backup to remote ssh node"
type Logger() = type Logger() =
let mutable level = Logger.DEBUG let mutable level = Logger.DEBUG
...@@ -96,24 +102,96 @@ let ToMingwPath (windowsPath: string) = ...@@ -96,24 +102,96 @@ let ToMingwPath (windowsPath: string) =
result result
let EnsureDir (path: string) = if path.EndsWith "/" then path else path + "/" let EnsureDir (path: string) = if path.EndsWith "/" then path else path + "/"
let EnsureWinDir (path: string) = if path.EndsWith "\\" then path else path + "\\"
let appDataRoamingDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir let appDataRoamingDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir
let programDataDir = GetEnv "PROGRAMDATA" |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir let programDataDirWin = GetEnv "PROGRAMDATA" |> EnsureWinDir
let appDataLocalDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir let programDataDir = ToMingwPath programDataDirWin
let appDataLocalDirWin = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) |> EnsureWinDir
let appDataLocalDir = appDataLocalDirWin |> ToMingwPath
let mbackupInstallDirWin = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) |> EnsureDir |> fun s -> s + "mbackup" let mbackupInstallDirWin = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) |> EnsureDir |> fun s -> s + "mbackup"
let mbackupInstallDir = mbackupInstallDirWin |> ToMingwPath let mbackupInstallDir = mbackupInstallDirWin |> ToMingwPath
let userHomeWin =
GetEnvDefault "HOME" (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile))
|> EnsureWinDir
let userHome = userHomeWin |> ToMingwPath
//let userConfigDir = appDataRoamingDir + "mbackup/" //let userConfigDir = appDataRoamingDir + "mbackup/"
let userConfigDirWin = programDataDirWin + "mbackup\\"
let userConfigDir = programDataDir + "mbackup/" let userConfigDir = programDataDir + "mbackup/"
let runtimeDirWin = appDataLocalDirWin + "mbackup\\"
let runtimeDir = appDataLocalDir + "mbackup/" let runtimeDir = appDataLocalDir + "mbackup/"
let isLocalTarget (target: string) = target.StartsWith "/" let isLocalTarget (target: string) = target.StartsWith "/"
// expand user file to mingw64 rsync supported path.
// abc -> /cygdrive/c/Users/<user>/abc
// ^Documents -> expand to Documents path.
// ^Downloads -> expand to Downloads path.
// etc
let expandUserFile (fn: string) =
let fn =
let documentsDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir
let picturesDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures) |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir
let desktopDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory) |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^My Documents/", documentsDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^Documents/", documentsDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^我的文档/", documentsDir)
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^文档/", documentsDir)
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^My Pictures/", picturesDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^Pictures/", picturesDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^图片/", picturesDir)
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^Desktop/", desktopDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^桌面/", desktopDir)
if fn.StartsWith("/") then
userHome + fn
// generate mbackup.list file // generate mbackup.list file
let generateMbackupList = let generateMbackupList (logger: Logger) =
// TODO run make to update mbackup.list. only update if source file have changed. // TODO how to only regenerate if source file have changed? should I bundle GNU make with mbackup?
null // just compare mbackup.list mtime with its source files?
let mbackupDefaultList = userConfigDirWin + "mbackup-default.list"
let mbackupLocalList = userConfigDirWin + "local.list"
let mbackupUserDefaultList = userConfigDirWin + "user-default.list"
let mbackupList = runtimeDirWin + "mbackup.list"
// local functions
let dropEmptyLinesAndComments = Seq.filter (fun (line: string) -> not (line.TrimStart().StartsWith("#") || line.TrimEnd().Equals("")))
let readMbackupListFile fn = File.ReadAllLines(fn) |> dropEmptyLinesAndComments
let defaultListLines = readMbackupListFile mbackupDefaultList |> ToMingwPath
let localListLinesMaybe =
let lines = readMbackupListFile mbackupLocalList |> ToMingwPath
(true, lines)
| :? System.IO.FileNotFoundException ->
(true, Seq.empty)
| ex ->
logger.Error "Read mbackupLocalList failed: %s" ex.Message
(false, Seq.empty)
match localListLinesMaybe with
| (false, _) -> failwith "Read mbackup local.list file failed"
| (true, localListLines) ->
let userDefaultListLines = readMbackupListFile mbackupUserDefaultList |> expandUserFile
let allLines = Seq.append (Seq.append defaultListLines localListLines) userDefaultListLines
// For mbackup-default.list and local.list, exclude empty lines and comment lines.
// skip and give a warning on non-absolute path.
// For user-default.list, auto prefix user's home dir, auto expand Documents, Downloads etc special folder.
File.WriteAllLines(mbackupList, allLines)
logger.Info "%s written" mbackupList
| ex ->
logger.Error "Read/write mbackup list file failed: %s" ex.Message
// append string s to list if pred is true // append string s to list if pred is true
let appendWhen (pred: bool) (lst: string list) (s: string) = if pred then List.append lst [s] else lst let appendWhen (pred: bool) (lst: string list) (s: string) = if pred then List.append lst [s] else lst
...@@ -128,8 +206,8 @@ let main argv = ...@@ -128,8 +206,8 @@ let main argv =
let logger = Logger() let logger = Logger()
logger.Info "userConfigDir=%s" userConfigDir logger.Info "using user config dir: %s" userConfigDirWin
logger.Info "runtimeDir=%s" runtimeDir logger.Info "using runtime dir: %s" runtimeDirWin
let rsyncCmd: string list = [] let rsyncCmd: string list = []
let rsyncCmd = appendWhen dryRun rsyncCmd "--dry-run" let rsyncCmd = appendWhen dryRun rsyncCmd "--dry-run"
...@@ -137,7 +215,8 @@ let main argv = ...@@ -137,7 +215,8 @@ let main argv =
let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd ("-h --stats -togr --delete --delete-excluded --ignore-missing-args".Split [|' '|] |> Array.toList) let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd ("-h --stats -togr --delete --delete-excluded --ignore-missing-args".Split [|' '|] |> Array.toList)
let mbackupFile = runtimeDir + "mbackup.list" let mbackupFile = runtimeDir + "mbackup.list"
generateMbackupList |> ignore if not (generateMbackupList logger) then
failwith "Generate mbackup.list failed"
let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [sprintf "--files-from=%s" mbackupFile] let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [sprintf "--files-from=%s" mbackupFile]
let excludeFile = userConfigDir + "mbackup-default.exclude" let excludeFile = userConfigDir + "mbackup-default.exclude"
...@@ -152,27 +231,21 @@ let main argv = ...@@ -152,27 +231,21 @@ let main argv =
let mbackupInstallDirWinTest = "D:\\downloads\\apps\\mbackupTest\\" let mbackupInstallDirWinTest = "D:\\downloads\\apps\\mbackupTest\\"
let mbackupInstallDirTest = mbackupInstallDirWinTest |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir let mbackupInstallDirTest = mbackupInstallDirWinTest |> ToMingwPath |> EnsureDir
let sshExeFile = mbackupInstallDirTest + "rsync-w64/usr/bin/ssh.exe" let sshExeFile = mbackupInstallDirTest + "rsync-w64/usr/bin/ssh.exe"
let sshConfigFile = userConfigDir + "ssh_config" let sshConfigFile = userHome + ".ssh/config"
let sshPrivateKeyFile = userConfigDir + "ssh_id_rsa" let sshPrivateKeyFile = results.GetResult(Ssh_Key, defaultValue = userHome + ".ssh/id_rsa") |> ToMingwPath
let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [sprintf "-e \"%s -F %s -i %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\"" sshExeFile sshConfigFile sshPrivateKeyFile] let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [sprintf "-e \"%s -F %s -i %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\"" sshExeFile sshConfigFile sshPrivateKeyFile]
let backupTarget = results.GetResult (Target, defaultValue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "TARGET") let backupTarget = results.GetResult (Target, defaultValue = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable "TARGET")
match backupTarget with match backupTarget with
| null -> | null ->
logger.Error "TARGET is not defined" logger.Error "TARGET is not defined%s" ""
ExitBadParam ExitBadParam
| _ -> | _ ->
let backupTarget = ToMingwPath backupTarget let backupTarget = ToMingwPath backupTarget
let rsyncCmd = let rsyncCmd =
if not (isLocalTarget backupTarget) if not (isLocalTarget backupTarget)
then then
let nodeName = let nodeName = results.GetResult(Node_Name, defaultValue = Net.Dns.GetHostName())
match results.GetResult Node_Name with
| null ->
match GetEnv "NODE_NAME" with
| null -> Net.Dns.GetHostName()
| X -> X
| X -> X
let remoteLogFile = sprintf "/var/log/mbackup/%s.log" nodeName let remoteLogFile = sprintf "/var/log/mbackup/%s.log" nodeName
let remoteUser = results.GetResult (Remote_User, defaultValue = Environment.UserName) let remoteUser = results.GetResult (Remote_User, defaultValue = Environment.UserName)
let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [sprintf "--remote-option=--log-file=%s" remoteLogFile] let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [sprintf "--remote-option=--log-file=%s" remoteLogFile]
...@@ -196,9 +269,9 @@ let main argv = ...@@ -196,9 +269,9 @@ let main argv =
if proc.WaitForExit Int32.MaxValue then if proc.WaitForExit Int32.MaxValue then
proc.ExitCode proc.ExitCode
else else
logger.Error "mbackup timed out while waiting for rsync to complete" logger.Error "mbackup timed out while waiting for rsync to complete%s" ""
ExitTimeout ExitTimeout
with with
| _ -> | _ ->
logger.Error "Create runtime dir failed" logger.Error "Create runtime dir failed%s" ""
ExitIOError ExitIOError
# dirs to backup # dirs to backup
/cygdrive/c/ProgramData/mbackup C:\ProgramData\mbackup
/cygdrive/c/path/to/dir C:\path\to\dir
/cygdrive/d/path/to/dir D:\path\to\dir
...@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ ...@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
############################################# #############################################
Pictures/Saved Pictures/ Pictures/Saved Pictures/
Documents/ Documents/
#downloads dir is not supported yet. it will just be prefixed by user's profile dir.
#if user moved this dir to other location, they should add dir to local.list.
############################################# #############################################
# below are file list from linux environment # below are file list from linux environment
...@@ -6,6 +6,16 @@ Time-stamp: <2019-11-12> ...@@ -6,6 +6,16 @@ Time-stamp: <2019-11-12>
** 2019-11-13 how to run it in dev env? ** 2019-11-13 how to run it in dev env?
dotnet run -- --dry-run --itemize-changes --target d:\backup dotnet run -- --dry-run --itemize-changes --target d:\backup
dotnet run -- -n -i --target d:\backup dotnet run -- -n -i --target d:\backup
dotnet run -- -n --target d:\backup
try an ssh run:
dotnet run -- -n --target
it works.
file list works.
ssh transfer works.
remote logging works.
** 2019-11-12 docs ** 2019-11-12 docs
- rsync - rsync
...@@ -44,9 +54,12 @@ dotnet run -- -n -i --target d:\backup ...@@ -44,9 +54,12 @@ dotnet run -- -n -i --target d:\backup
MyPictures MyPictures
DesktopDirectory DesktopDirectory
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)
- - FSharpLint
* later :entry: * later :entry:
** 2019-11-14 supports expand Downloads dir in user-default.list
* current :entry: * current :entry:
** **
** 2019-11-13 extra user default list. ** 2019-11-13 extra user default list.
...@@ -209,4 +222,5 @@ C:\ProgramData\mbackup\user-default.list ...@@ -209,4 +222,5 @@ C:\ProgramData\mbackup\user-default.list
it contains hostname. it contains hostname.
- -
* done :entry: * done :entry:
** 2019-11-13 build mbackup.list file from file list and exclude lists.
* wontfix :entry: * wontfix :entry: