diff --git a/operational b/operational index eb1767cda93d54b0f544feefd8619123bfddbfe8..e95d9d57b9abb85bae057864c427550614c0a781 100644 --- a/operational +++ b/operational @@ -121,7 +121,9 @@ C:\ProgramData\mbackup\mbackup.txt https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11981498/wix-heat-tool-create-component-with-win64-attribute - Wix to install file in another name, add Name attribute in . -- +- vscode powershell integrated console is not the same as powershell. + it doesn't read $profile, and can't run ". $profile" command. + it's best to press + to create a regular powershell terminal. * later :entry: ** 2019-11-14 supports expand Downloads dir in user-default.list @@ -212,6 +214,10 @@ Both local.list and local.exclude. - TODO how to support upgrade when I click a new msi? currently every msi is a standalone msi and will always install fresh. is the UpgradeCode used for this? + + does version have any effect on generated msi file? + how to integrate this version with dotnet application version? + *now* - mbackup.msi works on B75I3 host. - try mbackup.msi on win 10 VM. how to require dotnet core 3.0 in .wxs file? @@ -234,7 +240,6 @@ Both local.list and local.exclude. it works. PS C:\Users\IEUser> &"C:\Program Files\mbackup\publish\mbackup.exe" --target root@sylecn01.emacsos.com:/data/backup/PC-backup/IEUser --ssh-key E:\id_rsa --remote-user sylecn - *now* - TODO failwith should not be used in UI code. It throws unhandled exception. System.Exception. search: f# exit early without shifting to the right in haskell, I use maybeT and eitherT etc.