// Learn more about F# at http://fsharp.org // // - backup file list // /%appdata%/mbackup/mbackup-default.list // /%appdata%/mbackup/user-default.list // /%appdata%/mbackup/local.list (optional) // - exclude pattern // /%appdata%/mbackup/mbackup-default.exclude // /%appdata%/mbackup/local.exclude (optional) module Mbackup.Program open System open System.IO open System.Diagnostics open System.Text.RegularExpressions open System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis open Argu open Mbackup.Lib open Mbackup.ConfigParser let ExitBadParam = 1 let ExitTimeout = 2 let ExitIOError = 3 let ExitUserError = 4 [] type CLIArguments = | [] Dry_Run | Target of backupTarget: string | Remote_User of remoteUser: string | [] Itemize_Changes | Node_Name of nodeName: string | Ssh_Key of sshKeyFilename: string interface IArgParserTemplate with member s.Usage = match s with | Dry_Run _ -> "only show what will be done, do not transfer any file" | Target _ -> "rsync target, could be local dir in Windows or mingw format or remote ssh dir" | Remote_User _ -> "remote linux user to own the backup files" | Itemize_Changes _ -> "add -i option to rsync" | Node_Name _ -> "local node's name, used in remote logging" | Ssh_Key _ -> "ssh private key, used when backup to remote ssh node" let programFilesDirWin = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) |> ensureWinDir let programFilesDir = toMingwPath programFilesDirWin let mbackupProgramDirWin = programFilesDirWin + "mbackup\\" let mbackupProgramDir = toMingwPath mbackupProgramDirWin let appDataRoamingDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) |> toMingwPath |> ensureDir let programDataDirWin = getEnv "PROGRAMDATA" |> ensureWinDir let programDataDir = toMingwPath programDataDirWin let appDataLocalDirWin = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) |> ensureWinDir let appDataLocalDir = appDataLocalDirWin |> toMingwPath let mbackupInstallDirWin = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ProgramFiles) |> ensureDir |> fun s -> s + "mbackup" let mbackupInstallDir = mbackupInstallDirWin |> toMingwPath let userHomeWin = getEnvDefault "HOME" (Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.UserProfile)) |> ensureWinDir let userHome = userHomeWin |> toMingwPath let userConfigDirWin = programDataDirWin + "mbackup\\" let userConfigDir = programDataDir + "mbackup/" let runtimeDirWin = appDataLocalDirWin + "mbackup\\" let runtimeDir = appDataLocalDir + "mbackup/" let mbackupConfigFile = userConfigDirWin + "mbackup.txt" // return true if target is a local dir. local dir can be unix style or windows style. let isLocalTarget (target: string) = target.StartsWith "/" || Regex.IsMatch(target, "^[c-z]:", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) // expand user file to mingw64 rsync supported path. // abc -> /cygdrive/c/Users//abc // ^Documents -> expand to Documents path. // ^Downloads -> expand to Downloads path. // etc let expandUserFile (fn: string) = let fn = let documentsDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) |> toMingwPath |> ensureDir let picturesDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyPictures) |> toMingwPath |> ensureDir let desktopDir = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.DesktopDirectory) |> toMingwPath |> ensureDir let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^My Documents/", documentsDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^Documents/", documentsDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^我的文档/", documentsDir) let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^文档/", documentsDir) let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^My Pictures/", picturesDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^Pictures/", picturesDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^图片/", picturesDir) let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^Desktop/", desktopDir, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) let fn = Regex.Replace(fn, "^桌面/", desktopDir) fn if fn.StartsWith("/") then fn else userHome + fn // generate mbackup.list file let generateMbackupList (logger: Logger) = // TODO how to only regenerate if source file have changed? should I bundle GNU make with mbackup? // just compare mbackup.list mtime with its source files? let mbackupDefaultList = userConfigDirWin + "mbackup-default.list" let mbackupLocalList = userConfigDirWin + "local.list" let mbackupUserDefaultList = userConfigDirWin + "user-default.list" let mbackupList = runtimeDirWin + "mbackup.list" // local functions let dropEmptyLinesAndComments lines = Seq.filter (fun (line: string) -> not (line.TrimStart().StartsWith("#") || line.TrimEnd().Equals(""))) lines let readMbackupListFile fn = File.ReadAllLines(fn) |> dropEmptyLinesAndComments try let defaultListLines = readMbackupListFile mbackupDefaultList |> Seq.map toMingwPath let localListLinesMaybe = try let lines = readMbackupListFile mbackupLocalList |> Seq.map toMingwPath (true, lines) with | :? FileNotFoundException -> (true, Seq.empty) | ex -> logger.Error "Read mbackupLocalList failed: %s" ex.Message (false, Seq.empty) match localListLinesMaybe with | (false, _) -> failwith "Read mbackup local.list file failed" | (true, localListLines) -> let userDefaultListLines = readMbackupListFile mbackupUserDefaultList |> Seq.map expandUserFile let allLines = Seq.append (Seq.append defaultListLines localListLines) userDefaultListLines // For mbackup-default.list and local.list, exclude empty lines and comment lines. // skip and give a warning on non-absolute path. // For user-default.list, auto prefix user's home dir, auto expand Documents, Downloads etc special folder. Directory.CreateDirectory(runtimeDirWin) |> ignore File.WriteAllLines(mbackupList, allLines) logger.Info "mbackup.list file written: %s" mbackupList true with | :? System.IO.IOException as ex -> logger.Error "Read/write file failed: %s %s" ex.Source ex.Message false | ex -> logger.Error "Read/write mbackup list file failed: %s" ex.Message false exception PrivateKeyNotFoundException of string let addOptionsForRemoteBackup (results: ParseResults) (logger: Logger) (rsyncCmd: string list) = let sshExeFile = mbackupProgramDir + "rsync-w64/usr/bin/ssh.exe" let sshConfigFile = userHome + ".ssh/config" let sshPrivateKeyFile = results.GetResult(Ssh_Key, defaultValue = userHome + ".ssh/id_rsa") |> toMingwPath let sshPrivateKeyFileWin = toWinPath sshPrivateKeyFile if not (File.Exists(sshPrivateKeyFileWin)) then raise (PrivateKeyNotFoundException("ssh private key doesn't exist: " + sshPrivateKeyFileWin)) else let sshConfigFileOption = if File.Exists(toWinPath sshConfigFile) then " -F " + sshConfigFile else "" let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [ sprintf "-e \"'%s'%s -i %s -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null\"" sshExeFile sshConfigFileOption sshPrivateKeyFile ] let nodeName = results.GetResult(Node_Name, defaultValue = Net.Dns.GetHostName()) let remoteLogFile = sprintf "/var/log/mbackup/%s.log" nodeName let remoteUser = results.GetResult(Remote_User, defaultValue = Environment.UserName) let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [ sprintf "--remote-option=--log-file=%s" remoteLogFile ] let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [ sprintf "--chown=%s:%s" remoteUser remoteUser ] rsyncCmd [] let main argv = let errorHandler = ProcessExiter(colorizer = function ErrorCode.HelpText -> None | _ -> Some ConsoleColor.Red) let parser = ArgumentParser.Create(programName = "mbackup.exe", errorHandler = errorHandler) let results = parser.Parse argv let dryRun = results.Contains Dry_Run let itemizeChanges = results.Contains Itemize_Changes let logger = Logger() logger.Info "user config dir: %s" userConfigDirWin logger.Info "runtime dir: %s" runtimeDirWin logger.Debug "program dir: %s" mbackupProgramDirWin let rsyncCmd: string list = [] let rsyncCmd = appendWhen dryRun rsyncCmd "--dry-run" let rsyncCmd = appendWhen itemizeChanges rsyncCmd "-i" let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd ("-h --stats -togr --delete --delete-excluded --ignore-missing-args".Split [| ' ' |] |> Array.toList) let mbackupFile = runtimeDir + "mbackup.list" if not (generateMbackupList logger) then failwith "Generate mbackup.list failed" let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [ sprintf "--files-from=%s" mbackupFile ] let excludeFile = userConfigDir + "mbackup-default.exclude" let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [ sprintf "--exclude-from=%s" excludeFile ] let localExcludeFile = userConfigDir + "local.exclude" let rsyncCmd = appendWhen (IO.File.Exists localExcludeFile) rsyncCmd (sprintf "--exclude-from=%s" localExcludeFile) let localLogFile = runtimeDir + "mbackup.log" let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [ sprintf "--log-file=%s" localLogFile ] // precedence: command line argument > environment variable > config file let normalizeTarget target = if isLocalTarget target then toMingwPath target else target let backupTargetMaybe = match results.TryGetResult Target with | None -> let mbackupConfig = WellsConfig(mbackupConfigFile) let backupTargetMaybe = mbackupConfig.GetStr("target") Option.map normalizeTarget backupTargetMaybe | Some backupTarget -> Some(normalizeTarget backupTarget) match backupTargetMaybe with | None -> logger.Error "TARGET is not defined" ExitBadParam | Some backupTarget -> try let rsyncCmd = if not (isLocalTarget backupTarget) then addOptionsForRemoteBackup results logger rsyncCmd else rsyncCmd let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [ "/" ] let rsyncCmd = List.append rsyncCmd [ backupTarget ] let rsyncArgs = rsyncCmd |> String.concat " " let rsyncExe = mbackupProgramDirWin + "rsync-w64\\usr\\bin\\rsync.exe" Directory.CreateDirectory(runtimeDirWin) |> ignore Directory.CreateDirectory(userConfigDirWin) |> ignore logger.Info "Note: if you run the following rsync command yourself, make sure the generated file list (%s) is up-to-date.\n%s" mbackupFile (rsyncExe + " " + rsyncArgs) let proc = Process.Start(rsyncExe, rsyncArgs) if proc.WaitForExit Int32.MaxValue then logger.Info "mbackup exit" proc.ExitCode else logger.Error "mbackup timed out while waiting for rsync to complete" ExitTimeout with | PrivateKeyNotFoundException msg -> logger.Error "%s" msg logger.Info "backup to remote node requires ssh private key, use --ssh-key option or create ~/.ssh/id_rsa file using ssh-keygen" ExitUserError | :? IOException as ex -> logger.Error "IO Error: %s %s" ex.Source ex.Message ExitIOError | ex -> logger.Error "Unexpected Error: %s" ex.Message ExitIOError