# user dir prefix will be /cygdrive/%userprofile%/, usually /cygdrive/c/Users// ############################################# # windows specific files ############################################# Pictures/Saved Pictures/ Documents/ Desktop/ #downloads dir is not supported yet. it will just be prefixed by user's profile dir. #if user moved this dir to other location, they should add dir to local.list. Downloads/ ############################################# # below are file list from linux environment ############################################# # shell .profile .bashrc .bash.d/ .inputrc .screenrc .zshrc # passwords, keys .netrc .ssh/ .gnupg/ .aws/ .azure/ .pgpass .pypirc .acme.sh/ .docker/config.json .kube/config .erlang.cookie .lein/credentials.clj.gpg # editor .vimrc .vim/ .emacs .emacs.el .emacs.d/ .gnus.el .aspell.en.prepl .aspell.en.pws # mail .muttrc .forward .fetchmailrc .mailcap .mime.types # developer .gitconfig .gitignore .hgrc .pip/pip.conf .pylintrc .npmrc .gemrc .m2/settings.xml .gradle/gradle.properties .stack/stack.yaml .stack/config.yaml .cabal/config .sbclrc .roswell/init.lisp .lein/profiles.clj # Xorg and WM .xinitrc .Xresources .xsessionrc .xmodmaprc .fonts.conf .fonts .i3/ .config/i3status/ .config/openbox/ .config/fbpanel/ .gtk-bookmarks .gtkrc-2.0 .xbindkeysrc .xbindkeysrc.scm .xmobarrc .xmonad/xmonad.hs .cache/ibus/pinyin/user-1.0.db # backup dirs bak/ texts/ StudioProjects/ # misc, other .config/dconf/user .aptitude/config .lftp/bookmarks .wgetrc .curlrc