/* vim:set et ts=4 sts=4: * * libpyzy - The Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library. * * Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Peng Huang * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA */ #include "PyZyDatabase.h" #include #include #include #include "PyZyConfig.h" #include "PyZyUtil.h" #include "PyZyPinyinArray.h" namespace PyZy { #define DB_CACHE_SIZE "5000" #define DB_INDEX_SIZE (3) /* define columns */ #define DB_COLUMN_USER_FREQ (0) #define DB_COLUMN_PHRASE (1) #define DB_COLUMN_FREQ (2) #define DB_COLUMN_S0 (3) #define DB_PREFETCH_LEN (6) #define DB_BACKUP_TIMEOUT (60) #define USER_DICTIONARY_FILE "user-1.0.db" std::unique_ptr Database::m_instance; class Conditions : public std::vector { public: Conditions (void) : std::vector (1) {} void double_ (void) { size_t i = size (); do { push_back (at (--i)); } while (i > 0); } void triple (void) { size_t i = size (); do { const std::string & value = std::vector::at (--i); push_back (value); push_back (value); } while (i > 0); } void appendVPrintf (size_t begin, size_t end, const char *fmt, va_list args) { char str[64]; g_vsnprintf (str, sizeof(str), fmt, args); for (size_t i = begin; i < end; i++) { at (i) += str; } } void appendPrintf (size_t begin, size_t end, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, fmt); appendVPrintf (begin, end, fmt, args); va_end (args); } }; class SQLStmt { public: SQLStmt (sqlite3 *db) : m_db (db), m_stmt (NULL) { g_assert (m_db != NULL); } ~SQLStmt () { if (m_stmt != NULL) { if (sqlite3_finalize (m_stmt) != SQLITE_OK) { g_warning ("destroy sqlite stmt failed!"); } } } bool prepare (const String &sql) { if (sqlite3_prepare (m_db, sql.c_str (), sql.size (), &m_stmt, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { g_warning ("parse sql failed!\n %s", sql.c_str ()); return false; } return true; } bool step (void) { switch (sqlite3_step (m_stmt)) { case SQLITE_ROW: return true; case SQLITE_DONE: return false; default: g_warning ("sqlites step error!"); return false; } } const char *columnText (int col) { return (const char *) sqlite3_column_text (m_stmt, col); } int columnInt (int col) { return sqlite3_column_int (m_stmt, col); } private: sqlite3 *m_db; sqlite3_stmt *m_stmt; }; Query::Query (const PinyinArray & pinyin, size_t pinyin_begin, size_t pinyin_len, unsigned int option) : m_pinyin (pinyin), m_pinyin_begin (pinyin_begin), m_pinyin_len (pinyin_len), m_option (option) { g_assert (m_pinyin.size () >= pinyin_begin + pinyin_len); } Query::~Query (void) { } int Query::fill (PhraseArray &phrases, int count) { int row = 0; while (m_pinyin_len > 0) { if (G_LIKELY (m_stmt.get () == NULL)) { m_stmt = Database::instance ().query (m_pinyin, m_pinyin_begin, m_pinyin_len, -1, m_option); g_assert (m_stmt.get () != NULL); } while (m_stmt->step ()) { Phrase phrase; g_strlcpy (phrase.phrase, m_stmt->columnText (DB_COLUMN_PHRASE), sizeof (phrase.phrase)); phrase.freq = m_stmt->columnInt (DB_COLUMN_FREQ); phrase.user_freq = m_stmt->columnInt (DB_COLUMN_USER_FREQ); phrase.len = m_pinyin_len; for (size_t i = 0, column = DB_COLUMN_S0; i < m_pinyin_len; i++) { phrase.pinyin_id[i].sheng = m_stmt->columnInt (column++); phrase.pinyin_id[i].yun = m_stmt->columnInt (column++); } phrases.push_back (phrase); row ++; if (G_UNLIKELY (row == count)) { return row; } } m_stmt.reset (); m_pinyin_len --; } return row; } Database::Database (const std::string &user_data_dir) : m_db (NULL) , m_timeout_id (0) , m_timer (g_timer_new ()) , m_user_data_dir (user_data_dir) { open (); } Database::~Database (void) { g_timer_destroy (m_timer); if (m_timeout_id != 0) { saveUserDB (); g_source_remove (m_timeout_id); } if (m_db) { if (sqlite3_close (m_db) != SQLITE_OK) { g_warning ("close sqlite database failed!"); } } } inline bool Database::executeSQL (const char *sql, sqlite3 *db) { if (db == NULL) db = m_db; char *errmsg = NULL; if (sqlite3_exec (db, sql, NULL, NULL, &errmsg) != SQLITE_OK) { g_warning ("%s: %s", errmsg, sql); sqlite3_free (errmsg); return false; } return true; } bool Database::open (void) { do { #if (SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER >= 3006000) sqlite3_initialize (); #endif static const char * maindb [] = { PKGDATADIR"/db/local.db", PKGDATADIR"/db/open-phrase.db", PKGDATADIR"/db/android.db", "main.db", }; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (maindb); i++) { if (!g_file_test(maindb[i], G_FILE_TEST_IS_REGULAR)) continue; if (sqlite3_open_v2 (maindb[i], &m_db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, NULL) == SQLITE_OK) { break; } } if (i == G_N_ELEMENTS (maindb)) { g_warning ("can not open main database"); break; } m_sql.clear (); /* Set synchronous=OFF, write user database will become much faster. * It will cause user database corrupted, if the operatering system * crashes or computer loses power. * */ m_sql << "PRAGMA synchronous=OFF;\n"; /* Set the cache size for better performance */ m_sql << "PRAGMA cache_size=" DB_CACHE_SIZE ";\n"; /* Using memory for temp store */ // m_sql << "PRAGMA temp_store=MEMORY;\n"; /* Set journal mode */ // m_sql << "PRAGMA journal_mode=PERSIST;\n"; /* Using EXCLUSIVE locking mode on databases * for better performance */ m_sql << "PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE;\n"; if (!executeSQL (m_sql)) break; loadUserDB (); #if 0 /* Attach user database */ g_mkdir_with_parents (m_user_data_dir, 0750); m_buffer.clear (); m_buffer << m_user_data_dir << G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S << USER_DICTIONARY_FILE; retval = openUserDB (m_buffer); if (!retval) { g_warning ("Can not open user database %s", m_buffer.c_str ()); if (!openUserDB (":memory:")) goto _failed; } #endif /* prefetch some tables */ // prefetch (); return true; } while (0); if (m_db) { sqlite3_close (m_db); m_db = NULL; } return false; } bool Database::loadUserDB (void) { sqlite3 *userdb = NULL; do { /* Attach user database */ m_sql.printf ("ATTACH DATABASE \":memory:\" AS userdb;"); if (!executeSQL (m_sql)) break; g_mkdir_with_parents (m_user_data_dir, 0750); m_buffer.clear (); m_buffer << m_user_data_dir << G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S << USER_DICTIONARY_FILE; unsigned int flags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE; if (sqlite3_open_v2 (m_buffer, &userdb, flags, NULL) != SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_open_v2 (":memory:", &userdb, flags, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) break; m_sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n"; /* create desc table*/ m_sql << "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS desc (name PRIMARY KEY, value TEXT);\n"; m_sql << "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO desc VALUES " << "('version', '1.2.0');\n" << "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO desc VALUES " << "('uuid', '" << UUID () << "');\n" << "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO desc VALUES " << "('hostname', '" << Hostname () << "');\n" << "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO desc VALUES " << "('username', '" << Env ("USERNAME") << "');\n" << "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO desc VALUES " << "('create-time', datetime());\n" << "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO desc VALUES " << "('attach-time', datetime());\n"; /* create phrase tables */ for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_PHRASE_LEN; i++) { m_sql.appendPrintf ("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS py_phrase_%d (user_freq, phrase TEXT, freq INTEGER ", i); for (size_t j = 0; j <= i; j++) m_sql.appendPrintf (",s%d INTEGER, y%d INTEGER", j, j); m_sql << ");\n"; } /* create index */ m_sql << "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " << "index_0_0 ON py_phrase_0(s0,y0,phrase);\n"; m_sql << "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " << "index_1_0 ON py_phrase_1(s0,y0,s1,y1,phrase);\n"; m_sql << "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " << "index_1_1 ON py_phrase_1(s0,s1,y1);\n"; for (size_t i = 2; i < MAX_PHRASE_LEN; i++) { m_sql << "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " << "index_" << i << "_0 ON py_phrase_" << i << "(s0,y0"; for (size_t j = 1; j <= i; j++) m_sql << ",s" << j << ",y" << j; m_sql << ",phrase);\n"; m_sql << "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS " << "index_" << i << "_1 ON py_phrase_" << i << "(s0,s1,s2,y2);\n"; } m_sql << "COMMIT;"; if (!executeSQL (m_sql, userdb)) break; sqlite3_backup *backup = sqlite3_backup_init (m_db, "userdb", userdb, "main"); if (backup) { sqlite3_backup_step (backup, -1); sqlite3_backup_finish (backup); } sqlite3_close (userdb); return true; } while (0); if (userdb) sqlite3_close (userdb); return false; } bool Database::saveUserDB (void) { g_mkdir_with_parents (m_user_data_dir, 0750); m_buffer.clear (); m_buffer << m_user_data_dir << G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S << USER_DICTIONARY_FILE; String tmpfile = m_buffer + "-tmp"; sqlite3 *userdb = NULL; do { /* remove tmpfile if it exist */ g_unlink (tmpfile); unsigned int flags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE; if (sqlite3_open_v2 (tmpfile, &userdb, flags, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) break; sqlite3_backup *backup = sqlite3_backup_init (userdb, "main", m_db, "userdb"); if (backup == NULL) break; sqlite3_backup_step (backup, -1); sqlite3_backup_finish (backup); sqlite3_close (userdb); g_rename (tmpfile, m_buffer); return true; } while (0); if (userdb != NULL) sqlite3_close (userdb); g_unlink (tmpfile); return false; } void Database::prefetch (void) { m_sql.clear (); for (size_t i = 0; i < DB_PREFETCH_LEN; i++) m_sql << "SELECT * FROM py_phrase_" << i << ";\n"; // g_debug ("prefetching ..."); executeSQL (m_sql); // g_debug ("done"); } // This function should be return gboolean because g_timeout_add_seconds requires it. gboolean Database::timeoutCallback (void * data) { Database *self = static_cast (data); /* Get elapsed time since last modification of database. */ unsigned int elapsed = (unsigned int)g_timer_elapsed (self->m_timer, NULL); if (elapsed >= DB_BACKUP_TIMEOUT && self->saveUserDB ()) { self->m_timeout_id = 0; return false; } return true; } void Database::modified (void) { /* Restart the timer */ g_timer_start (m_timer); if (m_timeout_id != 0) return; m_timeout_id = g_timeout_add_seconds (DB_BACKUP_TIMEOUT, Database::timeoutCallback, static_cast (this)); } inline static bool pinyin_option_check_sheng (unsigned int option, unsigned int id, unsigned int fid) { switch ((id << 16) | fid) { case (PINYIN_ID_C << 16) | PINYIN_ID_CH: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_C_CH); case (PINYIN_ID_CH << 16) | PINYIN_ID_C: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_CH_C); case (PINYIN_ID_Z << 16) | PINYIN_ID_ZH: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_Z_ZH); case (PINYIN_ID_ZH << 16) | PINYIN_ID_Z: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_ZH_Z); case (PINYIN_ID_S << 16) | PINYIN_ID_SH: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_S_SH); case (PINYIN_ID_SH << 16) | PINYIN_ID_S: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_SH_S); case (PINYIN_ID_L << 16) | PINYIN_ID_N: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_L_N); case (PINYIN_ID_N << 16) | PINYIN_ID_L: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_N_L); case (PINYIN_ID_F << 16) | PINYIN_ID_H: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_F_H); case (PINYIN_ID_H << 16) | PINYIN_ID_F: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_H_F); case (PINYIN_ID_L << 16) | PINYIN_ID_R: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_L_R); case (PINYIN_ID_R << 16) | PINYIN_ID_L: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_R_L); case (PINYIN_ID_K << 16) | PINYIN_ID_G: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_K_G); case (PINYIN_ID_G << 16) | PINYIN_ID_K: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_G_K); default: return false; } } inline static bool pinyin_option_check_yun (unsigned int option, unsigned int id, unsigned int fid) { switch ((id << 16) | fid) { case (PINYIN_ID_AN << 16) | PINYIN_ID_ANG: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_AN_ANG); case (PINYIN_ID_ANG << 16) | PINYIN_ID_AN: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_ANG_AN); case (PINYIN_ID_EN << 16) | PINYIN_ID_ENG: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_EN_ENG); case (PINYIN_ID_ENG << 16) | PINYIN_ID_EN: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_ENG_EN); case (PINYIN_ID_IN << 16) | PINYIN_ID_ING: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_IN_ING); case (PINYIN_ID_ING << 16) | PINYIN_ID_IN: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_ING_IN); case (PINYIN_ID_IAN << 16) | PINYIN_ID_IANG: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_IAN_IANG); case (PINYIN_ID_IANG << 16) | PINYIN_ID_IAN: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_IANG_IAN); case (PINYIN_ID_UAN << 16) | PINYIN_ID_UANG: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_UAN_UANG); case (PINYIN_ID_UANG << 16) | PINYIN_ID_UAN: return (option & PINYIN_FUZZY_UANG_UAN); default: return false; } } SQLStmtPtr Database::query (const PinyinArray &pinyin, size_t pinyin_begin, size_t pinyin_len, int m, unsigned int option) { g_assert (pinyin_begin < pinyin.size ()); g_assert (pinyin_len <= pinyin.size () - pinyin_begin); g_assert (pinyin_len <= MAX_PHRASE_LEN); /* prepare sql */ Conditions conditions; for (size_t i = 0; i < pinyin_len; i++) { const Pinyin *p; bool fs1, fs2; p = pinyin[i + pinyin_begin]; fs1 = pinyin_option_check_sheng (option, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng, p->pinyin_id[1].sheng); fs2 = pinyin_option_check_sheng (option, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng, p->pinyin_id[2].sheng); if (G_LIKELY (i > 0)) conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size (), " AND "); if (G_UNLIKELY (fs1 || fs2)) { if (G_LIKELY (i < DB_INDEX_SIZE)) { if (fs1 && fs2 == 0) { conditions.double_ (); conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size () >> 1, "s%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng); conditions.appendPrintf (conditions.size () >> 1, conditions.size (), "s%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[1].sheng); } else if (fs1 == 0 && fs2) { conditions.double_ (); conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size () >> 1, "s%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng); conditions.appendPrintf (conditions.size () >> 1, conditions.size (), "s%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[2].sheng); } else { size_t len = conditions.size (); conditions.triple (); conditions.appendPrintf (0, len, "s%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng); conditions.appendPrintf (len, len << 1, "s%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[1].sheng); conditions.appendPrintf (len << 1, conditions.size (), "s%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[2].sheng); } } else { if (fs1 && fs2 == 0) { conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size (), "s%d IN (%d,%d)", i, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng, p->pinyin_id[1].sheng); } else if (fs1 == 0 && fs2) { conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size (), "s%d IN (%d,%d)", i, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng, p->pinyin_id[2].sheng); } else { conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size (), "s%d IN (%d,%d,%d)", i, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng, p->pinyin_id[1].sheng, p->pinyin_id[2].sheng); } } } else { conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size (), "s%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[0].sheng); } if (p->pinyin_id[0].yun != PINYIN_ID_ZERO) { if (pinyin_option_check_yun (option, p->pinyin_id[0].yun, p->pinyin_id[1].yun)) { if (G_LIKELY (i < DB_INDEX_SIZE)) { conditions.double_ (); conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size () >> 1, " AND y%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[0].yun); conditions.appendPrintf (conditions.size () >> 1, conditions.size (), " and y%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[1].yun); } else { conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size (), " AND y%d IN (%d,%d)", i, p->pinyin_id[0].yun, p->pinyin_id[1].yun); } } else { conditions.appendPrintf (0, conditions.size (), " AND y%d=%d", i, p->pinyin_id[0].yun); } } } m_buffer.clear (); for (size_t i = 0; i < conditions.size (); i++) { if (G_UNLIKELY (i == 0)) m_buffer << " (" << conditions[i] << ")\n"; else m_buffer << " OR (" << conditions[i] << ")\n"; } m_sql.clear (); int id = pinyin_len - 1; m_sql << "SELECT * FROM (" "SELECT 0 AS user_freq, * FROM main.py_phrase_" << id << " WHERE " << m_buffer << " UNION ALL " "SELECT * FROM userdb.py_phrase_" << id << " WHERE " << m_buffer << ") " "GROUP BY phrase ORDER BY user_freq DESC, freq DESC"; if (m > 0) m_sql << " LIMIT " << m; #if 0 g_debug ("sql =\n%s", m_sql.c_str ()); #endif /* query database */ SQLStmtPtr stmt (new SQLStmt (m_db)); if (!stmt->prepare (m_sql)) { stmt.reset (); } return stmt; } inline void Database::phraseWhereSql (const Phrase & p, String & sql) { sql << " WHERE"; sql << " s0=" << p.pinyin_id[0].sheng << " AND y0=" << p.pinyin_id[0].yun; for (size_t i = 1; i < p.len; i++) { sql << " AND s" << i << '=' << p.pinyin_id[i].sheng << " AND y" << i << '=' << p.pinyin_id[i].yun; } sql << " AND phrase=\"" << p.phrase << "\""; } inline void Database::phraseSql (const Phrase & p, String & sql) { sql << "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO userdb.py_phrase_" << p.len - 1 << " VALUES(" << 0 /* user_freq */ << ",\"" << p.phrase << '"' /* phrase */ << ',' << p.freq; /* freq */ for (size_t i = 0; i < p.len; i++) { sql << ',' << p.pinyin_id[i].sheng << ',' << p.pinyin_id[i].yun; } sql << ");\n"; sql << "UPDATE userdb.py_phrase_" << p.len - 1 << " SET user_freq=user_freq+1"; phraseWhereSql (p, sql); sql << ";\n"; } void Database::commit (const PhraseArray &phrases) { Phrase phrase = {""}; m_sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n"; for (size_t i = 0; i < phrases.size (); i++) { phrase += phrases[i]; phraseSql (phrases[i], m_sql); } if (phrases.size () > 1) phraseSql (phrase, m_sql); m_sql << "COMMIT;\n"; executeSQL (m_sql); modified (); } void Database::remove (const Phrase & phrase) { m_sql = "BEGIN TRANSACTION;\n"; m_sql << "DELETE FROM userdb.py_phrase_" << phrase.len - 1; phraseWhereSql (phrase, m_sql); m_sql << ";\n"; m_sql << "COMMIT;\n"; executeSQL (m_sql); modified (); } void Database::init (const std::string & user_data_dir) { if (m_instance.get () == NULL) { m_instance.reset (new Database (user_data_dir)); } } void Database::finalize (void) { m_instance.reset (NULL); } }; // namespace PyZy